Research Design Connection: Elevation Above Street Level and Risk-Taking

Esteky and colleagues linked what floor we’re on in a building and our response to financial risks – being even a few stories higher or lower in a building produces a noticeable effect on how humans think. The researchers determined that “high physical elevation increases risk-seeking tendencies.” The effect is stronger when elevation is something people are aware of because they look out of a window. The investigators also report that “In an unpublished study, we found that consumers at higher (vs. lower) elevations are more likely to consume juice from an unfamiliar (vs. familiar) fruit. We interpret this finding as evidence that consumers at higher elevations are more like to take sensory risks than are their counterparts at lower elevations.” Sina Esteky, Jean Wineman, and David Wooten. “The Influence of Physical Elevation in Buildings on Risk Preferences: Evidence from a Pilot and Four Field Studies.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, …