officeinsight seeks the highest quality of architectural and interiors work occurring in the workplace setting anywhere in the world and on any scale. We continually strive to be an avenue for architects and interior designers to share leading-edge insights into workplace design and furnishings. We’d love to hear from you!

Interior Project Submission Guidelines

We require/highly recommend the following materials for publication consideration:

  • Hi-resolution digital images files of the completed project space (300px/in and at least 3,333px Wide)
  • Project description, including: client description/project challenges, design solutions applied, inspiration, project stats (square footages, # of end users, key furnishings, etc.)
  • Floor plans
  • Brief bio of the design firm
  • Potential interview sources – primarily the project design team lead(s), headshots

Please send submissions to officeinsight editor, Anna Zappia at

Press Release Submissions:

Please follow these steps to send press releases for publication on officenewswire:

  1. Compose email addressed to
  2. Put press release text in the body of the email
  3. Attach low-resolution jpg photos (72px/inch X at least 450px wide)

*We will contact you to request higher-res photos if necessary.

All Other Content Submissions

If you have a content submission other than a project or basic press release, please contact officeinsight Editor, Anna Zappia at or at (818) 445-0265.