Calling all NYC design firms!
Are you developing a healthier materials strategy in your design practice?
Are you looking to achieve certification as a means of reaching your health goals?
Are you working to create healthier affordable housing units?
If any of these questions resonate with you, please join Parsons Healthy Materials Lab for cocktails and conversations around these topics and more.
According to the EPA, Americans spend more than 90% of our time indoors. Our working, healing, commercial, and living spaces are filled with toxic chemicals found in the building materials that make up our environments. These chemicals may be released into our interior spaces where they can be inhaled, absorbed and ingested. Scientific studies show that exposure to these chemicals can adversely impact human health and have dangerous health effects on our families. The effects are so widespread that pediatricians and environmental health professionals refer to this as a “silent epidemic.”
Kick off an evening surrounded by colleagues with a similar interest in healthier buildings and interiors over a cocktail and casual conversation. Parson’s Healthy Materials Lab will look more closely at this issue and share design strategies we have developed, to change practice. We’ll discuss how to set health criteria and create frameworks that can be implemented so that the process of specification and design innovation produces the best and healthiest built work. Please bring your questions, talk about the success and challenges you face and we can all work together to find ways to create positive outcomes and transform practice.
Cocktails begin at 6:30pm, Program begins at 6:45pm.
If you are from a large firm with offices across the United States, feel free to reach out to to discuss a presentation at your firm.
Wednesday, 10/30/2019 at 6:30pm
The New School University Center
63 Fifth Avenue, Starr Foundation Hall, Room U L102 (Lower Level)
New York, NY 10003