Tackling the issues of global climate change and building resiliency requires seeing anew the relationship between severe weather and community-focused design. This is the topic of a Nov. 11 workshop by Perkins+Will as part of a citywide Innovation Festival.
Global design firm, Perkins+Will is working with communities across the world to address this timely issue. From Buffalo to Brooklyn to Bogacay, the firm is teaming up with planning agencies and community leaders to help establish new frameworks for resiliency in all design decisions.
On November 11, Perkins+Will’s Janice Barnes and Daniel Windsor discuss how their firm has been innovating solutions to address climate change and resilience during the Fast Company Innovation Festival workshop at their New York offices.
The workshop will focus on Perkins+Will’s S.E.E. Framework — it stands for social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities — and how they help owners, municipalities and agencies better understand the resiliency challenges they face — and make better decisions for improvements. According to the firm, “It’s not just science — it’s also about how people and networks become knowledgeable and interconnected and in doing that, create better experiences and more resilient places.”
What: WORKSHOP: “Can You S.E.E. It? Social, Economic and Environmental Resiliency”
Who: Perkins+Will Global Discipline Leader Janice Barnes and Senior Associate Daniel Windsor
When: Wednesday, November 11 at 9:00 am
Where: Perkins+Will offices, 215 Park Avenue South, 4th floor
For more on the Innovation Festival and Perkins+Will’s workshop visit:
Using Atlantic City as a case study, Perkins+Will Global Discipline Leader Janice Barnes and Senior Associate Daniel Windsor will situate these lenses with real-world examples from a very challenged community. Participants will break into working groups, each tackling a site in New York Mayor DeBlasio’s Five Boroughs Plan, working with facilitators to examine social, economic and environmental issues and then crowdsource ideas for solutions.
“The S.E.E. framework is easily adapted to any community, so it’s relatively easy for any workshop participant to take the ideas along with them after our workshop,” says Barnes. “Hands down, the greatest design challenge today is resiliency and global climate change. People need the tools to handle these stressors and develop plans to combat the affect they can have on communities.”