In Memoriam: Sonia (Sonny) Joseph

sonny joseph photoLong-time industry icon and founding partner of Napier Joseph & McNamara, Sonia (Sonny) Joseph passed away at her Manhattan home Feb. 27 after a brief illness at the age of 80. Ms. Joseph helped pioneer sales of Davis, Halcon, and WallGoldfinger in New York City and its environs. Casey McNamara, her former partner and current principal of NJM commented, “Sonny was my friend and mentor and a favorite to many of our clients. She will be missed.”

Ms. Joseph loved the industry she worked in and most importantly the architects and designers who were her friends. To continue encouraging and helping designers grow and learn, the family would like to suggest a gift to Parsons School of Design. Gifts may be made online by visiting and selecting “Parsons School of Design Annual Fund” from the drop-down box. Donors may proceed without registering and will be given an option to enter who the gift is in memory of and can also make a note in this same section of the gift designation. Please designate: Scholarship – In Memory of Sonny Joseph.

For people wishing to mail checks, please make the check out to Parsons School of Design and mail to:

The New School Development Office
Attn: Gift Accounting Department
79 Fifth Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Please note on the check: In Memory of Sonny Joseph / Scholarship