Concurrents: WFH. RTO. BFD. 

It appears that you can predictably expect that if a phrase becomes overused it will soon be shortened into an acronym and, in turn, that acronym will become nearly as overused as its origin phrase. Some cases in point in the above title. Rather quickly the phenomenon of working from home that exploded during the recent pandemic became, you guessed it, WFH. As the pandemic subsided and employers began calling their staff back to the offices they had previously occupied, that phenomenon became RTO. I’m guessing I don’t need to explain the type of big deal this all became and continues even.  The progression of those workplace patterns has spawned, it would also seem, a barrage of dueling data points. What percentage of workers are just as effective working at home and shouldn’t be required to return to their centralized company offices? There’s a survey for that. How much time …