The Four Pillars of the Workplace 

Today’s offices will continue to incorporate residential-inspired elements that recreate the comforts of home, but to truly be successful they must offer employees something that they fundamentally cannot get from home. Architecture, design, and sustainability firm FitzGerald has synthesized ideas and research on the reimagined workplace, described as four pillars. “We wanted to look at how the pandemic would fundamentally affect all of the ways that people interact with interior spaces and the built environment in every sector, from multifamily to senior housing,” explained Kristen Larkin, principal and director of interior design at FitzGerald.  With some companies making a push for a return to the office full-time, are such concepts essential? Larkin noted that most businesses will still incorporate some flexibility into their schedules, and that as work continues to change, the pillars will be updated as well. “I think most firms will land on some mix of hybrid, rather …