Introducing the New Cabot Wrenn

In this particular season with all the political talk about keeping manufacturing jobs in America or bringing jobs back to America, itā€™s nice to be able to recognize some companies that never left America in the first place. The Hickory, Highpoint, Winston-Salem triangle of North Carolina has long been the hardwood heartland of Americaā€˜s residential furniture industry. Many of the companies founded and headquartered there were also among the earliest American companies to discover cheap labor in China ā€“ first the Republic of China (Taiwan) ā€“ and then when Deng Xiao Peng began the ā€œliberalizationā€ of the mainland economy, they were pioneers in the move to even cheaper labor on the mainland. At NeoCon I was struck by the entirely new look of Cabot Wrenn. In discussing my observation with its president Ryan Stites he explained that Cabot Wrenn and its parent, Hancock & Moore had been acquired by Century …