Gensler’s 2019 Design Forecast – Cities and the Challenges They Face

One of the very first places we look to for relevant research in workplace design is Gensler, an unwavering leader in integrated architecture, design, planning and consulting. The firm weighs in on the latest trends and industry insights in its annual Design Forecast, a publication in production since 2013. This year in its report, Gensler focuses its attention on a worthy topic – urbanization. “This year, we recognized that we are living through the greatest period of urbanization and demographic change in world history,” said Todd Heiser, Workplace Leader – Consumer Goods, Managing Director, Gensler, in an officeinsight email interview. “In fact, by 2050 more than 70% of the earth’s population will live in cities. This increased urbanization is accelerating dramatic changes in the built environment.” “Urban areas contribute more than 80% of global GDP, but they’re also responsible for 70% of global carbon emissions,” noted Mr. Heiser. “It is …