Research Design Connections: Spaces for Creative Thought
Needle and Mallia probe the sorts of workplaces that support creative employees. They report that “Open-office plans have become the dominant mode for creative workplaces, designed to encourage collaboration. This [study surveys] people working in advertising and the creative industries, assessing perceptions of productivity and satisfaction with work environment. A majority of respondents yearned for solitude to complete certain tasks. Findings suggest that open-office environments may indeed undermine creative productivity, not just among introverts, but others as well.” Rose Needle and K. Mallia. “Creatives in the Office: Personality and the Environmental Effects of Workspace.” Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, in press, Sally Augustin, PhD, is the editor of Research Design Connections ( Research Design Connections reports on research conducted by social and physical scientists that designers can apply in practice. Insights derived from recent studies are integrated with classic, still relevant findings in concise, powerful articles. Topics covered range from the cognitive, …