The HON Company, a leader in workplace and educational furnishings celebrates the success of seven industry-leading dealer partners in the 40th annual HON Team Up recognition ceremony. Winners from across the United States provide organizations and schools HON product solutions with a commitment to serve the communities and make their spaces work.
The annual awards program was hosted in Vienna, Austria at the Hofburg Imperial Palace, a space celebrated for its excellence and history; making it the perfect venue to acknowledge success and partnership.
“The Team Up awards program celebrates the shared success and the exceptional commitment to the HON brand with our top-selling Dealer Partners,” explains Ric Andersen, Vice President of Sales, “We recognize their achievement and appreciate the leadership they bring when designing work and learning environments.”
HON would like to recognize the efforts Dealer partners put forth to achieve these awards, and congratulate the following winners:
2023 HON Category Leader Award: Congratulations to W.B. MASON –
2023 HON New Product Champion Award: Congratulations to HI TOUCH BUSINESS SERVICES –
2023 HON Education Excellence Award: Congratulations to WORKSPACE ELEMENTS –
2023 HON Sales and Marketing Excellence Award: Congratulations to CONTRACT FURNISHINGS –
2023 HON Standing Ovation Award: Congratulations to COMMERCIAL DESIGN SERVICES –
2023 HON Superior Sales Award: Congratulations to INDECO –
2023 HON President’s Award: Congratulations to INTIVITY –
The HON Company congratulates these 7 Dealer partners on an outstanding year, and thanks them for their exceptional commitment to the brand.
About HON:
Since 1944, HON, an HNI Company, has been in the business of making workspaces work better. To HON, even an inch of space can make a huge difference in how you work. That’s why we go to extremes to build office furniture that helps you work smarter, more comfortably, and on your terms. Whether the pressure is on, or the rest of the office is gone, we’re right there with you. HON has showrooms in three cities across the United States – New York City, Washington DC, and our headquarters in Muscatine, Iowa. For additional information, visit or follow HON on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.