For the eighth year in a row, Designtex’s Surface Imaging facility in Portland, Maine, has achieved recertification to the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership’s recognized program for sustainability in the print industry. The SGP program was established to provide third party verification of sustainability efforts and reduced environmental impact in the printing industry.
The recertification was awarded after Designtex’s Portland, Maine Imaging facility was audited for its compliance to the SGP Criteria, which includes illustrating how Designtex achieved continuous improvements in energy and transportation efficiency, indoor air quality, waste reduction, and the selection of more sustainable materials. The stated goal this year is to redirect 100% of Portland’s fabric waste into new products.
Operating out of a state-of-the-art, 26,000 square foot facility in Portland, Maine, our Surface Imaging division is comprised of an expert team of artists, technologists and craftspeople working together to create beautiful, engaging and one-of-a-kind environments.
With complete design-through-manufacturing capabilities, in addition to our digitally printed by-the-yard product, the Surface Imaging division produces our Designtex Made to Measure wallcovering, as well as our fully custom Designtex Bespoke program.
Some of the highlights of Designtex’s achievements under the program include:
-Installing compact fluorescents throughout its facility and LED lighting externally on the building to reduce energy consumption.
-Improving air quality throughout the facility through ventilation and humidification improvements.
-Reducing waste by working with a recycler to expand material recycling efforts. The facility recycled 113,770 lbs of mixed materials in its 2015 recycling stream, an increase of 23,591 lbs over the previous year.
-Adding new sustainable substrates to its offering.
-Achieving SCS low emissions certifications for all wallcoverings produced in the facility.
States Susan Lyons, President, “Designtex is excited to use digital imaging to help our clients create beautiful interiors. Our printing facility’s certification by SGP demonstrates that sustainability is a core business practice for the company. We are proud that our Portland facility continues to make achievements in sustainable print production.”
About Designtex
Designtex is the leading company in the development, design and manufacturing of applied materials for the built environment. For over fifty years, Designtex has been providing innovative materials to customers around the world. Throughout each step of product development and manufacturing, Designtex strives to ensure their textiles, wallcoverings and digitally imaged materials have a reduced environmental impact. Designtex is a Steelcase company, headquartered in New York City, with over 100 national and international locations. For more information, please call 800.221.1540 or visit