Call for IDS19 Speakers and Sponsors

Call For IDS19 Design Class & IDS Contract Conference Speakers

One of the most important aspects of the Interior Design Show is education, with 13,100 trade professionals and 34,000 weekend visitors attending IDS each year eager to learn about the latest trends and innovations.

We offer several opportunities to deliver or sponsor one of our exciting educational components. These will include keynote talks, design labs, seminars and plenary discussions on a range of critical topics and themes, and will be CEU-accredited.

New for IDS19 is a special trade-oriented component entitled IDS Contract accompanied by a robust conference program. Here is an opportunity for you to deliver exciting content to design professionals in an immersive, interactive forum.

Please note thatĀ Conference ProgrammingĀ (held on Thursday, January 17 and Friday, January 18) is primarily geared towards members of the design trade, whereas ourĀ Design ClassesĀ (held on Saturday, January 19) are intended for both the trade and general public.

IDS19 Design Class Speakers & Sponsors Application.

IDS Contract Conference Speakers Application.