A Workplace Tech CEO’s Thoughts on Integrating Digital into the Workplace
by Luis De Souza [Editor’s Note: Luis De Souza is the CEO of NFS Technology, a digital technology company that integrates tech into workplaces, hospitality establishments, and other venues. Below are a few of his most recent observations about what his industry is encountering in the field and the types of solutions available.] Collaboration in the workplace now goes way beyond meeting around a water cooler or conference table. Globalization, technological advances and remote staffing have revolutionized the way we communicate and work together. This changing “office” has a new standard that includes greater efficiency, a transformed workplace environment and a new norm. Millennials have certainly made their mark in the workplace and continue to make changes, but the conversation is shifting away from catering to different generations and toward supporting all individual employees. New technological advances have also brought a “face-off” to old school corporate collaboration – most industries …