The Year Ahead: Workplace Design in 2018
2017 may have socked Americans in the gut with a roiling political and social climate, but a new year continues to signal an opportunity to refocus and renew. Disruption, both positive and negative in nature, continues to rein supreme in 2018. Here, we present a collection of influences workplace design will contend with in 2018, collected from all corners of the industry. We spoke with Barry Richards, President of IIDA NY and Principal and Studio Leader at Rockwell Group, to hear his take on the issues at hand. We also highlight the seven emerging forces in workplace design that Steelcase anticipates in 2018, as these items were especially compelling. Disruption and unrest in 2017 have propelled people to ask for more balance, authenticity, a sense of community and the blending of seemingly opposite qualities – maximalism/minimalism, native/global, and cultural/science-driven. “Community is perhaps the most important movement today. Creating an experience …