A Look at Framery Analytics 

Soundproof booth manufacturer Framery has announced the public preview of Framery Analytics, after a successful four-month trial. Framery Analytics is the next step in the company’s digital connectivity evolution, encouraging brands to utilize current data to have a better understanding of office behavior.  A host of companies including H&M, LinkedIn, and Puma tested Framery Analytics to determine how often pods are being used—a driver for office design, configuration, and budget decisions. “It’s important for facilities managers to understand how much the pods are actually being used, and how their employees are benefitting from them,” said Arto Vahvanen, head of digital offerings and customer experience at Framery.  Currently compatible with the Framery One model, Framery Analytics can be used without any extra equipment, an ideal pairing of technology and product for the workplace arena. “The capability is already there, you don’t need anything else,” Vahvanen explained. “The technology is within the …