The Importance of Branded Environments

At their office in Austin, TX, Perkins&Will’s branded environments team has mastered the art of incorporating brand messaging within a space to elicit wellness responses that are highly sought after—and crucial in the post-pandemic era. Kimberly Richter, associate principal, branded environments, Austin, recently explained her work and shared strategies for shaping spaces that not only tell a brand story, but enrich us. “We work with all different market sectors and clients to bring their brand into their space. We go through a process of distilling the essence of who they are, and then translating that into an environment or an experience for them, which takes many different forms,” Richter said. The branded environments team uses a variety of elements from lighting to greenery as tools for branding. Yet, we are looking beyond traditional methods of using graphics, color, or signage to convey the essence of a brand. “The messaging is …