Research Design Connection: Acceptability of Recycled Water

Research indicates that people have complex reactions to recycled water; reported findings are likely applicable in other contexts with other recycled materials. Gauvain and Harmon determined that, “If people are educated on recycled water, they may come to agree it’s perfectly safe and tastes as good – or better – than their drinking water…But that doesn’t mean they’re going to use recycled water – and it sure doesn’t mean they’ll drink it. And the reason lies in the word ‘disgust.’…Past research by Harmon and Gauvain explored whether people sense a difference in taste among recycled water, conventional tap water, and commercially bottled water. That study…was based on a blind taste test, and found people actually preferred the taste of recycled water over conventional tap water.” Study results are published in Basic and Applied Social Psychology. “Get Over It? When It Comes to Recycled Water, Consumers Won’t.” 2019. Press release, University of …