A Random Walk: Design Thinking and The Disruptive Workplace

  For the past several years, Dean Strombom and Sven Govaars of Genslerā€™s Houston office have been exploring and exploiting the patterns of behavior derived from the multi-year, multi-client, multi-jurisdiction Gensler Workplace Survey. Mr. Strombom is one of Genslerā€™s Firmwide Energy Practice Area Leaders, a Strategic Advisor to the Landlord Services practice, and a Houston office Studio Leader. Mr. Govaars is an office leader in design performance with an expertise in organizational strategy and change management. Together, they represent an amalgam of perspectives, designer – consultant, that is proving to be beneficial, and perhaps necessary, to better understand the purpose, utility and multi-level practical benefits of the very broad field of workplace environment design. Some workplace design sectors ā€“ mainly interior design, workplace furnishing manufacturers and some professional organizations ā€“ have been investigating the nature of the workplace at a deliberate pace for the past two decades, and surely beyond. …