IFDA NY: Meet the Trending Media Influencers Feb. 22

– and see what’s happening in their space  

Stacy Dover
“Social Media Goddess” for Steelyard

Nancy Fire
Rose Director, HGTV Home

Veronika Miller
CEO of Modenus Media

Julia Noran
Founder and President, Editor at Large and Business of Home

Christine Philip
Editor-in-Chief, Global Glam International Luxury Magazine

Jana Platina Phipps
Trim Queen blog and social media channels

Moderated by
David Santiago, Casa Sant

Thursday, February 22nd
5:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Hafele Showroom
20 West 22nd Street, Suite 201

Attendance Fees:

Non-Members: $45.00
Non-Member Students: $10.00
IFDA Members: $25.00
IFDA Students: NC

Tickets are non refundable

Click Here to Register


The International Furnishings and Design Association (IFDA), founded in New York City in 1947 and now with 12 chapters worldwide, provides a professional forum for communication and interaction among its high-profile members. The IFDA, a not-for-profit volunteer-run association, also promotes career advancement and educational opportunities and is structured to increase public awareness of the furnishings and design industry through specialized programming, networking and service to the community.