Join IIDA NY Rochester at Bergmann Associates on Dec. 7 for CEUs on Your Health & Well Being

Please join us for an engaging evening as we learn about the WELL Building Standard from OFS Brands and how to Design For Health with Teknion.

WELL Building Standard
In today’s highly competitive, connected world, we are looking for key drivers of how to add additional value to our clients and employees, and for those that have not been exposed to how the preventive medical intentions within the program support improved health and well being within the built environment.

Designing For Health
Health and well-being are becoming a prominent part of the workplace design conversation. Knowing how to navigate all of the contributing factors of environmental impact, material selection and specification, active design, and workplace wellness all contribute to the complexity of the built environment.

Vanessa Englert, Director of Product Education, OFS Brands
Scott Montemerlo, Higher Education Specialist, Teknion

Thursday, December 7th
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Bergmann Associates
280 East Broad St., Rochester NY

FREE for IIDA Members
$5 Non-Members
$10 at the Door

Register Now

Event Sponsors:
OFS Brands