How Do People View the Sustainability Challenge?

The climate conversation is changing. Groups of people who know significantly more about sustainability than the average human are trying to shift the conversation away from a ā€œdo less badā€ mentality and toward a ā€œdo less bad, and do more good.ā€ Interface, a carpet tile company with sustainability as a cornerstone, is trying to help move along that effort, and they have a few ideas about how to do so. ā€œAt Interface, weā€™re convinced a fundamental change needs to happen in our global response to climate change. We need to stop thinking about how to merely limit the damage caused by climate change ā€“ and start thinking about how to create a climate fit for life.ā€ Accordingly, they wanted to gather a true understanding of how people really feel about the chances we have of reversing climate change. Interfaceā€™s big question is this: If humanity has changed the climate by …