Fuse Alliance Launches The Spark Awards

Fuse Alliance.Spark Awards

Fuse Alliance, a member-owned organization of professional, commercial flooring contractors, today announced the launch of the Spark Awards. As a platform to honor the network’s most impressive flooring designs and installations, the Spark Awards are made up of eight categories including Best in Show and Member’s Choice.

“We are thrilled to offer our members a program that really showcases the craftsmanship of their teams,” said Geoff Gordon, executive director of Fuse Alliance. “Our network is made up of some of the industry’s best and brightest flooring professionals, and the Spark Awards further support our efforts to champion the positive impact they have on the built environment.”

Based on originality, quality of installation and design innovation, the awards represent outstanding craftsmanship, skill and expertise in the flooring industry. Categories include Toughest Site Conditions, Best Branded Environments, Most Aggressive Timeline/Schedule, Greatest Space Challenges, Best Flooring Solution, Most Maximized Budget, Best in Show and Member’s Choice. Except for the Member’s Choice category, which will be a vote process by network Members, a panel will review all projects. The panel of notable names encompass leaders in the design and flooring industry: Lendlease Executive Vice President, Project Management & Construction, David MacDonald; leading technical flooring expert, Lew Migliore, founder of LGM and Associates; and Susanne Molina, FIIDA, CID, LEED AP, a principal of the Los Angeles-based interior design firm K2S Studio

Awards are open to Fuse Alliance members only and must include flooring products from network suppliers. Fuse members access a straightforward, streamlined process to enter projects. There is no limit to the number of entries. Winners will be announced at the network’s annual conference, which is held in the first quarter of every year. To find out more about the Spark Awards, visit http://sparkawards.fusealliance.com/

About Fuse Alliance

Fuse Alliance is a Member-owned organization of professional, commercial flooring contractors. With more than 84 companies in 159 locations across the United States and Canada, the organization’s Member businesses represent approximately $1.2 billion in sales and services. Fuse Alliance is made up of a unique network of flooring experts with a combined experience that spans across flooring product knowledge, installation expertise, and a keen understanding of meeting the environmental requirements of today’s market. Fuse Alliance’s governing body is an executive Board of Directors made up of 12 Member business owners. Through its Member network, Fuse Alliance is dedicated to serving the North American market and member businesses can be found throughout the United States and Canada.
