INDEAL Will Host Champion Training and Networking Conference in St. Pete Beach, FL


INDEAL is pleased to announce its upcoming Champion training in St. Pete Beach, Florida, which will take place April 25­­–28. Champions who have shown initiative and have been active in their roles are invited to take the next step and become “ALL IN” INDEAL Champions, which is the theme for the event.

Each day of the conference will include training and informational sessions followed by a different type of networking event. Through INDEAL general sessions, Champions will learn how they can help increase INDEAL suppliers’ sales at their dealerships and will discover some of the most successful practices which have been used to promote the program. They will also learn how to best utilize INDEAL’s marketing tools to their advantage.

INDEAL supplier partners are another integral component of the conference. Champions will learn directly from suppliers through mix-and-meet sessions and group presentations.  The networking events will allow for further interaction between Champions and supplier representatives while strengthening existing relationships with INDEAL team members. Additionally, the event will foster relationship-building between Champions.

According to Dave Bloch, co-founder of INDEAL, “Dealers with active Champions are doing extremely well in our program. Through training and interaction, we ensure long-lasting, mutually beneficial partnerships, which has always been the goal of the program.”

INDEAL’s Champion program was designed to help dealerships get the most benefit from their partnership with INDEAL. Champions are asked to complete checklists of responsibilities to ensure the INDEAL program runs smoothly. They work as the liaison between INDEAL and the dealership they represent, encouraging enthusiasm from fellow employees as well as answering any questions about the program and keeping the entire dealer staff up-to-date. INDEAL believes the training and networking opportunities at the conference will prove crucial to improving dealerships’ success with the INDEAL program. Aside from this training opportunity, INDEAL will also continue to provide training and support through monthly roundtable meetings and ongoing Champion outreach.

About INDEAL: INDEAL adds value to dealers and suppliers in the contract office furniture industry. Membership in INDEAL provides dealers with a significant return on investment in exchange for focusing on a short list of preferred suppliers carefully selected to support and protect the dealers’ primary aligned manufacturer. In addition, INDEAL offers sophisticated marketing, training and knowledge-based programs to aid the individual dealers. Membership in INDEAL means financial growth, lower operating costs, and a more focused approach to non-aligned purchasing. It additionally supports a well-developed network of peers from all major alignments that offer support and a lively idea exchange.