Research Design Connection: Showers, Changing Rooms, and Walking/Biking to Work
When people have access to showers and changing rooms, are they more likely to ride a bicycle or walk to work? A research team headed by Biswas analyzed data collected from more than 53,000 people who answered questions on the 2007 ā 2008 Canadian Community Health Survey, and determined that āCompared with younger ages, workers 50 to 75 years old were more likely to cycle to work if WS/CR [showers and changing rooms] were available.ā So, older individuals were more likely to ride their bicycles to work when WS/CR were available, but people 49 years old or younger were not more likely to ride a bike to work if WS/CR were available. The likelihood of workers of any age walking to work was not significantly affected by the presence of WS/CR. Statistical techniques were used to eliminate living in an urban or rural area as an explanation for the effects …