Research Design Connections: Evening Nature

Klotz and colleagues studied the implications of employees experiencing outdoor nature after spending a day at work indoors.  They determined that – “Our results, based on three studies employing different methodologies (i.e., an experience sampling study, an experiment, and a recall study), indicate that evening nature contact positively relates to beginning of [next] workday positive affect [mood] and subsequent work effort. However, this effect emerged only for employees with high-levels of nature connectedness—an individual difference reflecting individuals’ innate connection to the natural world.”  Nature connectedness is described here: Anthony Klotz, Shawn McClean, Junhyok Yim, Joel Koopman, and Pok Tang.  “Getting Outdoors After the Workday:  The Affective and Cognitive Effects of Evening Nature Contact.” Journal of Management, in press, Sally Augustin, PhD, a cognitive scientist, is the editor of Research Design Connections (, a monthly subscription newsletter and free daily blog, where recent and classic research in the social, …