Research Design Connections: Differences in Associations when Seeing Colors or Reading their Names
Jonauskaite, Parraga, Quiblier, and Mohr assessed how consistent people’s emotional associations are when they read the name of colors and when they see patches of the same colors. The team found “high similarity in the pattern of associations of specific emotion concepts with terms and patches . . . for all colors except purple. . . . We also observed differences for black, which is associated with more negative emotions and of higher intensity when presented as a term than a patch. . . . results from studies on color–emotion relationships using color terms or patches should be largely comparable.” This finding is useful, for example, to designers and researchers developing data collection tools. The researchers studied responses to red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, purple, pink, brown, white, gray, and black. Color patches used were “the best exemplars of each color category. . . . which are largely universally recognized.” …