Research Design Connection: Types of Greens

  A study by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and The Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies has determined that among Americans, there are nine separate sets of viewpoints regarding environmentally responsible behavior and similar issues. Knowing about these different groups may help designers encourage selection of green options. The groups are: “ – 9%…are Liberal Greens. 66% call themselves environmentalists…and they are both very worried about, and highly interested in, environmental issues… – Outdoor Greens comprise 10% of the population. They consider themselves to be environmentalists and are also worried about environmental issues…they tend to spend a lot of time outdoors. – Religious Browns represent 8% of the American public, are highly religious, and feel the most separated from nature of any group…they express strongly anti-environmental views. – Conservative Browns make up 8% of the population and…are staunchly anti-environmentalist…few express interest in environmental issues, and …