Research Design Connection: Professional Signals
Research completed by Petrilli, Chopra, Saint, Kuhn, Snyder, Jennings and Caruso indicates that the clothing worn by healthcare professionals influences the impressions people form of them – it seems probable that what the Petrilli team learned applies to other professionals and also to impressions formed via workplace design. A press release from the University of Michigan related to the Petrilli-led team study reports that, “Just over half of the 4,062 patients surveyed in the clinics and hospitals of 10 major medical centers said that what physicians wear is important to them – and more than one-third said it influences their satisfaction with their care…The study also asked patients to look at pictures of male and female physicians in seven different forms of attire, and to imagine them in both inpatient and outpatient clinical settings. For each photo, they rated the providers on how knowledgeable, trustworthy, caring and approachable the physician …