Research Design Connection: Perceived Weight and Glossiness

Ingvarsdottir and Balkenius probed the relationship between the apparent weight of an object and how shiny/matte its finish is. They determined that when objects that are identical except for finish glossiness are picked up, one that has a shiny finish will be perceived to be heavier than one with a matte finish. Kristin Ingvarsdottir and Christian Balkenius. 2020. “The Visual Perception of Material Properties Affects Moto Planning in Prehension: An Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Components of Lifting Cups.” Frontiers in Psychology, Sally Augustin, PhD, a cognitive scientist, is the editor of Research Design Connections (, a monthly subscription newsletter and free daily blog, where recent and classic research in the social, design, and physical sciences that can inform designers’ work are presented in straightforward language. Readers learn about the latest research findings immediately, before they’re available elsewhere. Sally, who is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, is …