Research Design Connection: “National” Art

Mastandrea, Wagoner, and Hogg looked at links between where people live and art preferences. They learned that when “American and Italian participants evaluated two pieces of abstract art and two pieces of representational art that were attributed to fictional American or Italian artists. The key prediction, that participants would evaluate pieces of art, specifically abstract art, more favorably if the artist was a conational than a national outgroup member, was supported, but only among American participants (the Americans had less art-related experience and were more aesthetically uncertain than the Italians). Americans liked American art more than Italian art, American art was liked more by Americans than Italians, and the preference for representational over abstract art disappeared among Americans evaluating American art.” Mastandrea, J. Wagoner, and M. Hogg. “Liking for Abstract and Representational Art: National Identity as an Art Appreciation Heuristic.” Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, in press, …