Research Design Connection: Lunchtime Park Walks and Relaxation Spaces: Good Ideas

  Having parks near workplaces where employees can walk for 15 minutes at lunchtime can be good for business – and so can creating an at-work space where people can do relaxation exercises. A Sianola-lead team reports that “park walk…and relaxation…groups were asked to complete a 15-min exercise during their lunch break on 10 consecutive working days. Afternoon well-being…[was] assessed twice a week before, during, and after the intervention, altogether for 5 weeks…park walks at lunchtime were related to better concentration and less fatigue in the afternoon…Relaxation exercises were related to better concentration in the afternoon…In addition, relaxation exercises were directly linked to lower levels of strain and fatigue in the afternoon. Our study suggests that on days on which employees engage in recovering activities during lunch breaks, they experience higher levels of well-being at the end of a working day.” Sianola, C. Syrek, J. de Bloom, K. Korpela, and …