Perception And The Elderly – Orfield Labs / Building-performance & Occupancy Research
Perception And The Elderly – Orfield Labs / Building-performance & Occupancy Research There are generally two significant ways in which building design can impact occupants. The first area is the science of building-performance; this describes the process of maximizing variables that influence occupants’ perception of comfort such as acoustics, lighting, daylighting, temperature, and indoor air quality. Other variables that affect the perception of comfort in a more peripheral way include human factors and ergonomics. The second area of impact is occupancy quality, the degree to which different aspects of the building cause its occupants to like or dislike it (occupant preference). This includes variables such as aesthetics, wayfinding (orienting), metaphorical comfort (echoing of other preferred environments), ease of use, etc. Establishing a measure of occupancy quality helps set the baseline regarding current satisfaction and helps to identify which areas of building design (and other factors) are affecting that satisfaction. Both …