The Importance of Knowing Guilherme Wentz

Guilherme Wentz decided after two years at university that a business degree wasn’t for him. Born the second son of a couple making their living in a southern Brazil factory town, his pursuit of a steady career in business appeared certain. Except in telling his parents about going for a design major, he was the one who got the shock, not mom and dad. “My father told me, ‘Maybe you thought you should do the same work your brother and I have been doing, but I always thought you should take a creative role,’” said Mr. Wentz. “He knew me better than I knew myself then.” His parents’ support hasn’t wavered since. How his father got that notion about his youngest son’s future isn’t clear. The boy who would become the disruptor prince of Brazil’s design establishment did the usual childhood things. Only his drawings gave a clue. “I would …