Uniting for Interiors Worldwide | IFI WID 2022

What Are Your Plans for IFI WID 2022?

The month of May is fast approaching, and with it our opportunity to celebrate IFI World Interiors Day (IFI WID) 2022 together. We hope your plans for this year’s events are underway. If not, there is still time!

IFI invites you to explore this year’s member-selected theme, “Pride of the Past, An Incentive for the Future”. We look forward to learning about and sharing your perspectives demonstrating the rich diversity of interpretive possibilities most meaningful to you.

During the month of May, and this year, on Saturday 28th May, design advocates and enthusiasts unite by sharing what this signifies in your unique context and community.

Take the opportunity to come together as part of this world-community project to express your creativity and our mutual love for the Interior Architecture/Design discipline as we explore history, innovation and shared connections for the future.

This inclusive worldwide event is recognized throughout the entire month of May, and officially recognized this year on Saturday, 28 May 2022. Make your plans today.

About IFI World Interiors Day (IFI WID)

IFI WID, a longstanding IFI event, is akin to Earth Day. It is an annual opportunity for all designers and enthusiasts to globally unite through themed provocative celebrations – large and small. IFI WID causes public awareness, recognizing the value of Interiors and all who make built environments.


Celebrated globally, IFI WID invites design professionals, industry leaders, students and enthusiasts along with institutions, governments and members of the general public to organize activities and events that bring community members together to explore, learn, discover and create. Physical or digital, anything is possible. Address the young or old. Tackle new definitions for sustainability. Consider health, work, learning or rest. Plan a virtual ‘pub’ debate, round table or symposium. Collaborate across borders. Become an activist. Make a movie. Save our culture and heritage.

Your imagination is the limit!

Your vibrant creativity and diversity give purposeful shape and meaning not only to the places and experiences we design and inhabit, but also to the heart of IFI. We look forward to witnessing your creative magic and for us to foster success together.

Finalize your plans for IFI WID 2022 today!