Spacestor’s new white paper unpacks four fundamental areas of focus that will define the post-COVID workplace. As a manufacturer of uniquely cool and customizable office furniture, Spacestor is a thought leader and authority figure on all things workplace – from culture, to operations, to design. This paper is not only informed by their vast expertise in these areas, but it is also based on extensive market research and ongoing discussions with leading minds from Gensler, Interior Architects, Merck, and more.
To give you a quick summary, Spacestor envisions an eventual return to the office by identifying four pillars of post-COVID workplace design: employee safety & wellbeing, organizational culture, workplace operations, and design strategy. One key projection is that companies will have to redesign their offices to minimize physical interactions. This might involve reduced density, workspace reconfiguration, assigned seating, and the introduction of hygienic materials and physical zone dividers.
Because the COVID-19 situation is continuously evolving, Spacestor will be updating this white paper as new research & data become available. Please download it here.