Solomon Coyle: Significant Year-Over-Year Growth Across North America


Pipeline Index Remains Robust, above 50%

The Solomon Coyle 2021-Q3 Market Outlook Report is now available. This quarter’s report reveals many positive trends: the Billing Index is above 50% for the first time, the Backlog Index is very high, at 68%, and the Booking Index for the U.S. is very strong and will likely continue to be strong. The Pipeline Index is staying above 50%. However, Distributors are reporting Bookings to be at a lesser rate than anticipated.

Paul Holland, partner at Solomon Coyle, states, “While we see positive Q3 Bookings and Pipeline activity, the rate of positive change has slowed.  We attribute this to the continuing headwinds of supply chain issues, labor shortage creating delays, and the impact of rising prices.”

David Solomon, managing partner at Solomon Coyle, adds, “It’s exciting to see that Actual Bookings are up two quarters in a row for the first time since pre-COVID. Anticipated Bookings for 2021-Q4 and 2022-Q1 are still very positive at a 4% growth rate. Growth across the U.S. is up significantly in the last year, 10% to 20%, depending on the region.”

Growth in each sector continues to be positive and is up year-over-year, as well as in each product category.

To view the current report, visit: Distributors that complete the quarterly survey receive a full report containing regional and subregional information, where available.

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