LightBeton® – genuine material instead of imitations
Not everything that looks like concrete actually is concrete. Especially in the decoration of interior rooms, there are many imitation materials, the surfaces of which are made of plastics, but which are sold as concrete. Richter akustik & design takes – like with their other products – way more innovative paths. LightBeton® resulted from the extensive exchange of ideas between the creative heads at Richter’s and many architects, who are designing their interior rooms with authentic concrete surfaces, but at the same time wanted to take the advantages of lightweight construction.
Now, the company Richter is well-known in the industrial sector for thinking outside the box and to take new paths with their experience and new impressions. So they do with LightBeton® too. Suggestions and necessary information were gathered at building sites and combined with other ideas. The result is a composite material made of genuine concrete and light carrier materials for the most different of applications for interior architecture, trade-shows, retails shops and many more. The material characteristics offer unlimited creative design. Tabletops, pedestals, columns and pillars, room dividers, doors, partition walls, backings, tables – all these items take on the typical concrete characteristics with LightBeton®. The creative surface for furniture, walls and ceilings.
Excellent characteristics
In addition to its pleasing appearance and touch, LightBeton® especially stands out for its unique characteristics and easy processing possibilities. LightBeton® only weighs 2.25 kg per square meter (wearing surface) and is considerably lighter than a solid concrete wall. The material is easily processed with woodworking equipment, without increased wear of tooling.
Richter akustik & design GmbH & Co. KG
49326 Melle / Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 5428 9420-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 5428 9420-45
U.S. contact:
Bernard Olschewski
Richter acoustic + design
9422 Georgian Way
Owings Mills, MD 21117