Oct. 9 – IIDA NY Buffalo City Center: Gunlocke Factory & Showroom Tour


Nestled in the beautiful hills among the Finger Lakes, generations of craftsmen create timeless furniture designs at Gunlocke for some of the most respected organizations in the country. Join us to learn about Gunlocke’s heritage, character and vision for providing leading edge furniture solutions in the contract furniture market.

Learn about solid lumber, substrates, veneers and veneer cutting. Do you know the difference between a flat and a rift cut? How about finishing materials? Experience the product journey from veneer selection to finished showroom product as we tour the factory and onsite showroom.

Join us on Friday, October 9th at Gunlocke – 8am – 4pm – 1 Gunlocke Park, Wayland, NY 14572
Transportation provided by Gunlocke to depart from Transit Road Park and Ride at 8am returning by 4pm.

Factory and Showroom Tour 10am – 2pm.

This trip will be limited to 25 guests.

Deadline to purchase tickets: Friday October 2

REGISTER ONLINE – FREE for IIDA Members | $15 Non-Members + Students + Educators