All Hushoffice Acoustic Pods Are CAR Certified

Hushoffice acoustic pods have officially met the Certified Autism Resource (CAR) standards for products designed to support individuals with autism spectrum disorders. This certification, awarded by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES), signifies that Hushoffice pods contribute to creating an inclusive, productive, and supportive workplace environment for neurodivergent individuals.

IBCCES is an independent accreditation and certification body specializing in cognitive impairments. The CAR (Certified Autism Resource) certification is granted to products and services that meet the specific needs of people with autism spectrum disorders. Following a detailed assessment of Hushoffice’s hushFree and hushClassic product lines, both were confirmed to align with one or more of the ten autism action areas outlined by the organization.

Approximately 1% of the global population is on the autism spectrum,[1] it is a large group that also contri­butes to the workforce. In the European Union alone, it is estimated that 10% of autistic people are in employment.[2] However, data from the UK suggests that autistic people face the largest pay gap of any disability group, earning on average a third less than able-bodied people. This gap narrows significantly when factors such as type of employment are taken into account. This suggests that the pay gap is largely due to the inability of autistic people to access higher paid jobs.[3] It can be assumed that one reason for this situation is the persistence of inaccurate negative stereotypes about how autistic people function, which raises concerns about their employment. Paradoxically, more than 50% of all neuro-atypical employees have higher skills than those required for their position.[4] In addition, one of the most frequently cited barriers to employing people with disabilities is the cost of adapting the workplace.[5] Consequently, inclusive office design is a very important aspect in today’s office reality. Diversity in the workforce is always an asset, as people with different perspectives on tasks can complement and inspire each other. Cognitively diverse teams produce better results in complex, problematic situations.[6] In the context of office design, the most neuroinclusive approach is to consider the needs of neuro­di­ver­sity. It assumes that the space will meet the sensory and physical needs of all employees by pro­vi­ding amenities and elements such as acoustic pods. Such a strategy eliminates the need for subsequent adaptation of the workplace, thus promoting equally inclusive recruitment processes without discri­mi­nating against atypical people, explains Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager at Hushoffice.

Supporting Inclusive Teams

Hushoffice acoustic pods meet the needs of neurodiverse people by creating a comfortable place to work and meet in a quiet environment where they can focus on their work. They take into account the needs of atypical people who receive stimuli from the environment with different intensity in terms of work organization, space, communication and perception. Hushoffice Acoustic Pods create a friendly work environment based on removing barriers and stimulating the strengths of neuroatypical people.

Receiving the CAR certificate is a very important confirmation for us that Hushoffice acoustic pods are products that really improve the comfort and efficiency of work for people with special needs. An inclu­sive office design should include spaces isolated from noise, intended for quiet and concentrated work or conversations that do not distract other office users. Hushoffice pods fully meet these requirements. The wide range of products in the brand’s portfolio allows you to choose solutions that fit into the aesthetics and space of any office. Image benefits and a real increase in comfort in the workplace by promoting inclusiveness are not the only arguments for employers. Investing in inclusive solutions can bring real benefits, so it is worth thinking strategically about inclusivity in the office, not ad hoc, adds Mateusz Barczyk.

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[1] “The Path to Opening the Polish Labor Market to Autistic People”, 2022.

[2] “The Path to Opening the Polish Labor Market to Autistic People”, 2022.

[3] “The Buckland Review of Autism Employment: report and recommendations”, 2024.

[4] National Autism Indicators Report, Drexel University, 2018.

[5] “The Buckland Review of Autism Employment: report and recommendations”, 2024.


Hushoffice is a brand of acoustic pods owned by Mikomax, one of the leading European manufacturers of professional acoustic pods for offices and other contract furniture based in Poland. The company has over 30 years of experience in the production and distribution of innovative product solutions. The Hushoffice brand is available in more than 50 countries on almost every continent. More information at