New Steelcase 360 Magazine: The Office Renaissance


The latest issue of Steelcase’s 360 Magazine, titled “The Office Renaissance,” is now available.

A global cultural movement is redefining the corporate workplace—from a singular focus on efficiency, towards a pluralistic approach that enriches the emotional, cognitive and physical wellbeing of people. In the global quest for talent and the escalating need for employee engagement, a societal shift advocating for informal, authentic and inspiring spaces has taken hold.


For years, many have predicted the death of the office. Mobile technology allows us to work anywhere, so why do you need an office at all? Yet as the world becomes more complex, the places we work have never been more relevant. Work is a social activity and people need places to come together to solve problems. The office isn’t going away—it’s in the midst of a renaissance, where workplaces are becoming something fundamentally different.

In this issue, we explore the rebirth of the office and how workers are rebelling against the sea of sameness that defined many workplaces. This cultural movement is redefining the workplace; creating a more human-centered experience that enriches the emotional, cognitive and physical wellbeing of people. The office renaissance is about creating meaningful places for people to work—places that feel good, but also perform, by harnessing new embedded technologies that help people navigate the complexity of work.

One area in the office that is ripe for change is the executive suite. This issue shares the latest findings by Steelcase researchers on the new ways leaders need to work, and how to create the next generation of leadership spaces to foster agile, adaptive cultures and resilient organizations.

Features include:

The New Leader

In today’s complex and global environment, there’s very little that business leaders can accurately predict and control. And yet, surrounded by swirl, many still cling to the fraying lifeline of existing norms—and the results can be dire. Progressive torchbearers are embracing the chaos by reshaping their organizations to operate as complex adaptive systems. But they often encounter daunting obstacles. Diving deep into the challenges, Steelcase researchers discovered new insights and distilled innovative concepts for a leadership space that empowers executives to lead in fundamentally better ways.

Driving the Wellbeing of People

Why Smart + Connected Spaces improve the experience people have at work.

Inside China’s C-Suite

Oolong or online? For CEO offices in China, videoconferencing may soon be as important as the tea table, a necessity of business life as the drive to become more collaborative and innovative prompts executives to adopt new ways of hosting and networking.

Leadership at Sea

Lessons from the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers.

Express Yourself

In a world squeezing toward uniformity, learn how turnstone’s Bivi is helping create work environments that encourage individuality.

Download the latest issue here.