New NBF Study: 1 in 3 Americans Find COVID-driven Workspace Changes Reducing Productivity

Study finds changes also negatively impact sleep, anxiety and work-life balance

A majority of Americans (67%) say they are frustrated with at least one aspect of their workspace during the pandemic with close to one in three (32%) feeling like they are not as productive as they need to be. The changes over the past year have left nearly half (48%) feeling more stressed and anxious, 47% experiencing worsened sleeping habits and  29% feeling like they don’t have a healthy work-life balance, according to a 2021 Kelton Global ‘Wellness at Work’ Study on behalf of National Business Furniture (NBF).

The study, which surveyed adults ages 18+, examines how working Americans have been impacted by the lifestyle changes brought on by COVID-19, especially as it relates to their current work environment.

  • Many are overwhelmed and burned out. Nearly half surveyed whose lives have been impacted by the pandemic admit their sleeping habits have gotten worse (47%) and they feel more anxious (48%). Parents in this groups are especially burned out by too much technology (32%), a lack of work life balance (27%) and the feeling they are struggling to juggle more than ever (25%).
  • Nearly half feel disconnected from their co-workers. About two in five (41%) of those who report their work experiences have been affected over the past year feel disconnected from their colleagues due to social distancing or remote work. And one in three (33%) of those who are frustrated with their current workspace report this stems from difficulty collaborating with their colleagues due to remote work or social distancing measures when in person.
  • Isolation is making physical activity challenging. Forty percent of those who experienced at least one change in their lives across the past 12 months have become lonely and feel more isolated, especially Boomers (52%) and women (44%). Additionally, almost half (46%) of this group find it challenging to be physically active.


At the heart of many frustrations is how many Americans (35%) miss their former workspace.

  • 33% find it more difficult to collaborate remotely or because of social distancing measures when together.
  • 29% of those whose work experiences have been impacted are tired of makeshift offices in their living space.
  • 28% of them find it challenging to stay focused due to a lack of privacy.

“At a time when people are working longer but feeling more stressed than ever, it’s so important to create a work environment that uplifts and encourages positive interactions and wellness,” said Heather Bennett, V.P. of Marketing for NBF.

Making simple design changes to the office can positively impact morale and productivity. Twenty-six percent of respondents noted if their workplace was upgraded with fresh paint and new furniture their morale would improve.


  • Create a nature-friendly space. Adding greenery can improve health. Numerous studies have shown that offices with plant life bring a boost in cognition, rise in sleep quality and a reduction of stress levels and negative feelings by 58%.
  • Get active at your workspace. A lack of physical activity can increase chronic health risks including but not limited to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Beyond getting up from your workstation every 15 minutes to walk around, stand during phone calls. Consider retrofitting your workspace with standing-height or adjustable-height tables so you can rotate between sitting and standing throughout the day.
  • Light up the room (naturally). Fluorescent lighting has long been known to elevate stress and the quality of light and color temperature and flickering can negatively impact your well-being. Position your desk near a window when possible. If your workspace doesn’t have windows, light it up with smart bulbs that mimic natural lighting by changing color temperatures throughout the day.


The National Business Furniture Wellness at Work Study, in partnership with Kelton Global, a Material Company, was conducted online with 1,003 Americans ages 18+ during the period of March 19-26, 2021. In this particular survey, the margin of error was +/- 3.1 percent. Quotas were set to ensure reliable and accurate representation of the U.S. population. To download the full study, visit


With the mission to improve every workplace, National Business Furniture offers more than one thousand products that can ship today, exclusive products from its NBF Signature Series line, expert service, a dedicated outside sales force and an unbeatable lifetime guarantee. To request a free catalog or to browse the complete selection of office furniture, such as desks, chairs, file cabinets, bookcases and reception furniture, visit


Kelton Global, a Material Company, is a strategic consulting agency specializing in quantitative and qualitative market research and serves as partner to more than 100 Fortune 500 and thousands of smaller companies and organizations. For more information about Kelton Global, please call 1.888.8.KELTON or visit