“Rupture,” a new solo exhibition by New Mexico-based painter David D’Agostino, is currently on view in FXFOWLE’s Gallery until November 24.
Based on treks to the summits of desolate mountain peaks and desert lowlands in New Mexico, David D’Agostino’s new painting series ‘Rupture’ captures nature’s ambivalent beauty and ever-present destruction. The natural landscape never extends beyond the immediate view of the observer. For D’Agostino, it is always framed by the psychological design of what we want to see. And especially the field of vision created by the plethora of traditional Southwestern landscape painters who crave a certain light, a certain palette, a certain beauty.
Unlike many New Mexican painters, D’Agostino does not attempt to idealize the landscape with overly saturated colors and rarefied, unblemished horizons. He accepts the rupture: eerie, barren, stressed places cut open by the velocity of weather and human inspired exploitation. His work cradles ominous terrains where excessive desert heat and mountain ice collapse our flimsy identities. Lifting our gaze toward form and emptiness, hovering between presence and absence—where blinding storms and dug out pits propel an irreversible slip of bone and muscle.
“Rupture” is on view in the FXFOWLE Gallery through November 24, 2017, 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday (except major holidays), and by appointment. FXFOWLE is located at 22 West 19
Learn more about David D’Agostino at http://www.daviddagostino.net.
22 West 19 Street, New York, NY 10011, USA