New California Architecture Wins Awards, LEED: Carrier Johnson + CULTURE

Among the latest new buildings earning kudos and green ratings in Southern California are a new university science center in San Diego and a major mixed-use living project in Glendale.

Both are by Carrier Johnson + CULTURE, and both have received prestigious Gold Nugget Awards. In addition, the acclaimed new science center for Point Loma Nazarene University has been certified LEED Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council.

According to the firm, “Our state-of-the-art Science Center for Point Loma Nazarene University and our highly amenitized urban mixed-use project, The Brand in Glendale, have been recognized for exceptional contributions to campus and community and excellence in design, planning and development.” The Gold Nugget Awards are given by PCBC and Builder.

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The Award of Merit Winners and Grand Award was presented at the June 23rd gala event in San Francisco.

In addition, the LEED Gold certification for the new science center at Point Loma Nazarene University is a rare honor for a science building with laboratories and energy-intensive academic uses. Carrier Johnson + CULTURE integrated sustainable design features such as stormwater retention, a light-colored “cool roof,” and a multi-faceted strategy for energy-use reduction, including the custom perforated stainless steel screen that reduces solar heat gain while allowing natural light to filter in. The Point Loma science center is one of many new green buildings by the architecture firm.

About The Brand (a.k.a. Brand & Wilson)
Glendale, Calif.

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Located in a landmark Glendale location, this six-story, 246,720-square-foot mixed-use project encompasses 238 apartment units and six townhomes. The ground floor integrates retail spaces with restaurants with cafe seating that work to “activate the street” as a destination and shopping experience along Brand — one of the major commercial thoroughfares in Glendale. The design for the project was inspired by Glendale’s local architecture — with a chevron-shaped arcade that echos the City Center arcade to the south and a traditional tripartite design (base, middle, top) inspired by the Security Trust & Savings Ban Building, one of the oldest historic structures in Glendale. The design is also forward-looking, and described as a hybrid between future residential developments and the existing commercial retail buildings nearby. An open plaza contributes to the future developments along the boulevards.

Other amenities include a pool and recreation area, outdoor space, a lush green roof, an ample terrace and a restaurant, as well as great dining and shopping on the first floor.

In Glendale, Carrier Johnson + Culture also has under development Orange and Wilson, a highly sustainable 40,000-square-foot, six-story residential project. The developer for both projects is Holland Partner Group, and the lead architect is David Gonzalez of Carrier Johnson + CULTURE.

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About the Science Center at PLNU
Point Loma Nazarene University
San Diego, Calif.Carrier Johnson + CULTURE-4

The new academic building has been designed for an evangelical yet progressive institution that believes in melding cutting-edge science with spiritual life. (In fact, their chief academic officer is a reproductive zoologist.) The history of their scenic cliffside site on Point Loma peninsula is noteworthy: Originally it was home to a theosophist commune, which built a number of mannerist landmarks and North America’s first Greek amphitheater. The new building designed by Gordon Carrier, FAIA, and colleague Ray Varela of Carrier Johnson + CULTURE to reflect the school’s progressive tradition in the sciences while also undergirding its faith-based mission. The university is founded by members of the Church of the Nazarene; both the church and the university believe that God and science are compatible, a different take vs. other evangelical orders. The curving metal screen has allusions to their progressive approach, with the Greek letters alpha and omega.