Passing the Leadership Torch
As President Gary Chin passes the torch, we salute Gary’s 41 years of leadership and recognize incoming President Matthew Negron’s background, involvement in the design industry and his contributions to Dauphin that have made him uniquely prepared to take the helm of Dauphin Americas.

Dauphin Says Goodbye to President Gary Chin
After 41 years, President Gary Chin, Dauphin’s very first employee in North America will retire at the end of 2020. “I have been fortunate to work with a fantastic group of people and they have been the reason why I stayed with the same organization my whole career”, Gary explained.
It is the people in the industry that Gary will miss most. “I will miss the many clients, sales staff and friends that I have met and formed a bond with over the years.”
Gary is proud to hand the torch to new President Matthew Negron. “I am thrilled that Matthew will be taking over. I see quite a bit of myself in his character and thought process. I am highly confident that he will do a wonderful job leading Dauphin for future generations.”

Say Hello to New President Matthew Negron
“I welcome this great opportunity and am excited to support the outstanding Dauphin team, our clients, and industry partners throughout the Americas and the world.”
There’s a good chance you have already met Dauphin’s new President Matthew Negron. His involvement in IIDA, CoreNet, IFMA and countless industry and charity events has made him a fixture in the industry.
Matthew started at Dauphin eight years ago in the engineering department. Since then, he has led multiple departments, most recently as Regional Manager of the New Jersey/New York sales territory.
He feels tremendous gratitude to mentor Gary Chin, “No specific words can capture how helpful his guidance and advice has been throughout the past few years, along with his many lessons that are not taught in school”.