Martin Brattrud operates out of two facilities, both in South Los Angeles. Today we are proud to share that we have finished installation of solar arrays at both locations. Our first facility has been generating its own solar electricity since earlier this year, with the second to be brought online soon. Even though the conversions are recent, we can already measure a positive impact. So far this year our solar energy generation has eliminated over 47 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. That is equivalent to the carbon sequestering a 55-acre forest would produce in one year!
The HPD Open Standard is a standardized specification for the accurate, reliable, and consistent reporting of product contents and associated health information for products used in the built environment. We recently achieved HPD v2.2 Certification across a range of products. This new standard employs more consistent and transparent reporting of substance data, incorporating supply chain information more directly into the HPD reporting process. Learn more at
We invite you to learn more about our responsible manufacturing initiatives and product certifications on our sustainability page.
New product introductions, now manufactured with solar power: