Mentoring Round Table: Unfiltered Advice for Young Design Professionals
Do you have questions about your career that you would like to ask in your current workplace but don’t know where to get answers? Are any of the below questions relevant to you?
- How do I ask questions in my firm without looking inexperienced?
- What are typical hours one should expect to work at a firm
- What is expected of me this early in my career in regards to knowledge and skill sets?
- When is the right time to ask for a promotion?
- How can I gain different design experience within my own firm?
The IIDA NY Mentorship Program invites you to a round table discussion for young design professionals with 1-5 years of experience who have questions about what’s next in their career. We will rotate groups of young design professionals with industry leaders in a round table setting so you can ask any questions that come to mind.
This event is for a small group of young design professionals. There are 30 spots available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Wednesday, May 15th
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Teknion Showroom
641 Avenue of the Americas, NYC