Thinking Outside the Bus Station
Seating Preferences + Perceptions in Waiting Spaces
The national focus on patient and care partner experience and satisfaction brings an increasing awareness of the relationship between the environment and the perception of care; with the corresponding reimbursement implications, designing spaces that deliver value is paramount.
Seeking to support and improve patient and care partner experience in the waiting room setting, a major academic medical center in Atlanta, Georgia and a leader in healthcare environments manufacturing conducted a pre and post occupancy study in an outpatient transplant clinic.
Learn about seating choice and arrangements across multiple settings, discover a new tool for capturing and visualizing spatial behaviors, and explore the relationship between built environment affordances and perception.
Please choose between a lunchtime and after work presentation. We look forward to seeing you!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Sage College of Albany, Art+ Design Building
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Business Environments by Ras – 1 Interstate Avenue, Albany NY
Elanie DeLuca Knorr
Area Healthcare Manager
Steelcase Inc.
This program will provide 0.1 IDCEC CEU and 1.0 AIA LU per session.
IIDA Professional and Associate Members are required to complete and report 1.0 CEU (10 hours) of Continuing Education prior to December 31, 2017. All Professional and Associate Members (active and inactive) including Educators, IIDA Fellows and Chapter Officers must adhere to IIDA compliance requirements.
Event Sponsor
Steelcase, Inc.