Prestigious international jury announced for new Interior Architecture/Design global awards program: IFI has revealed who will determine the most exemplary individuals and built projects in Interior Architecture/Design internationally in 2019
The International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers has today announced the jury members who will determine the winners of its inaugural Global Awards Program (IFI GAP). The 2019 juror names include some of the most celebrated practicing interior architects, designers and thinkers of today from eleven different countries, reflecting the global reach of the Federation.
IFI’s new Global Awards Program (IFI GAP) recognizes and awards design excellence at the world level. Comprising four of the highest honors achievable in the Interior Architecture/Design profession, it will identify and award both the contributions of individual luminaries and the best-of-the-best of built environments.
Jurors representing major design institutions will consider nominations for IFI’s highest honor, the IFI PRIZE and the Design Journalism Award (IFI DJA), both of which recognize the exemplary contribution of individuals in strengthening and progressing Interior Architecture/Design.
Jurors for the IFI PRIZE and the Design Journalism Award (IFI DJA) are:
-Steve Leung – Jury Chair, IFI President / Founder of Steve Leung Design Group Ltd. (Hong Kong)
-Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis, Professor of Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano and former Director of Milan Triennale Museum (Italy)
-Maya Dvash, Chief Curator of the Design Museum Holon (Israel)
-Ashley Hall, Ph.D. Professor of Design Innovation at The Royal College of Art (RCA) (UK)
-Rosanne Somerson, President, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) (USA)
In the form of a global design competition, IFI’s Design Distinction Awards (IFI DDA) jurors will be charged with selecting the best-built projects from around the world. Featuring a stellar selection of international Interior architecture and design practitioners, the IFI DDA jury will consider entries across eight different categories.
Selecting winners of the IFI Design Distinction Awards (IFI DDA) are:
-Steve Leung – Jury Chair, IFI President / Founder of Steve Leung Design Group Ltd. (Hong Kong)
-Robert Backhouse, Chairman at HASSELL (Australia)
-Soo K. Chan, Founder and Principal of SCDA Architects (Singapore)
-Tony Chi, Principal and Founder of tonychi studio (USA)
-Renata Furlanetto, Director at Studio MK27 (Brazil)
-Randy Howder, Managing Director and Principal at GENSLER (USA)
-Marcio Kogan, Founder of Studio MK27 (Brazil)
-Piero Lissoni, Founder of Lissoni Associati (Italy)
-Ellen van Loon, Partner at OMA (Netherlands)
-Paul Tange, Senior Principal Architect and Chairman of TANGE ASSOCIATES (Japan)
-Woody Yao, Director, Zaha Hadid Design (ZHD) (UK)
-Representatives from Yabu Pushelberg (Canada)
IFI President and Chairman of the program Steve Leung said, “We are honored to be collaborating with some of the Interior profession’s most talented thinkers and practitioners to jury the debut of IFI’s Global Awards Program. Their international experience and level of professional expertise reflect the caliber and diversity of work the IFI GAP program seeks to recognize. IFI is committed to raising the bar for design excellence within our field, and this initiative enables us to showcase both exemplary individuals and built projects from around the world.”
Award winners will be presented at a special ceremony and Gala Dinner as part of the IFI CONGRESS – IFI’s biennial global convening of industry representatives and invited keynote speakers to share progressive ideas, knowledge, and developments in Interior Architecture/Design worldwide. The 2019 IFI CONGRESS takes place in the City of Dubai, U.A.E from 13 – 16 November.
IFI Members are eligible to nominate exceptional individuals or collectives for the IFI PRIZE; IFI Design Journalism Award (IFI DJA) and IFI Fellowships (IFI FoIFI). The Design Distinction Awards (IFI DDA) are open to all Interior Architects/Designers, working across a broad spectrum of expertise, who have completed an award-winning project within the last three years.
Entry deadline: Wednesday 31 July, 2019
The deadline for project entries and individual nominations to the IFI Global Awards Program is Wednesday 31 July 2019. Visit for more details, or visit to register for an account, which can be used for multiple entires or nominations.
About IFI
IFI is the single global federation of national associations for the Interior Architecture/Design discipline and profession, representing practitioners, educators and industry professionals from around the world. Founded in 1963 as an international not-for-profit, IFI’s members comprise national associations for the interior architecture / design discipline, alongside regional representatives from design education, business, culture and government. At the world level, IFI serves to strengthen professional knowledge and upgrade quality of work and integrity in practice, promote the value of quality design and advance its positive impacts, and seeks to unify the Interior Architecture/Design community in shared experience and understanding.