Would you like to be an IFDA Judge?
If you are not already attending or would like to become more involved, we are looking for you to volunteer as judges.
The IFDA Selects group will carry out evaluations on the first day of the show, Nov 14th. We meet in the morning at about 8:45AM and usually wrap up after we present the awards to the winners, which generally gets us out of there by around 2PM. It is a truly rewarding experience to acknowledge the hard work of our winners.
If you have interest in becoming a judge please reach out to our VP of Trade Awareness Erin Nova at erinnovator@gmail.com before Oct 30th.
Join IFDA, Lead the Industry don’t follow: https://ifda.com/join-ifda/
The International Furnishings and Design Association (IFDA), founded in New York City in 1947 with 11 chapters worldwide, provides a professional forum for communication and interaction among its high-profile members. The IFDA, a not-for-profit volunteer-run association, also promotes career advancement and educational opportunities and is structured to increase public awareness of the furnishings and design industry through specialized programming, networking and service to the community.
NOTE TO IFDA MEMBERS: All IFDA webinars are available to you on the IFDA website behind the Members Portal. Log on to www.Ifda.com, by using your member number. You may have to create a password if it is your first time. Go to the EVENTS tab and you will see the entire event calendar and you are welcome to join any event in all chapters. To see the past recorded webinars go to the NEWS tab and scroll down to see the topics. The links to view are below the event descriptions. Click on the social media logos to see our newest posts. Please Like us, Follow Us and comment to let us know your thoughts. Join the conversation!